Creating a brighter future for you with our career guidance and support.


MERIPC stands for Mamodiya Education Research and Intellectual Property Consultancy. It is a trust-based platform company that is forward-thinking in its approach. It is a place for keen, bright, and talented people who are self-driven and have oodles of positive energy. We focus on providing an environment where people can learn and develop their skills so that they can reach their full potential. Going the extra mile to achieve company goals is always appreciated.


Employees in our organization are proud to be MERIPCians. Excellent work is acknowledged through various HR initiatives. We recognise long-serving employees for their contribution to the company. We have a decentralized business process and support employee empowerment. We advocate employee autonomy and encourage our employees to take the responsibility of decision-making regarding their tasks. We pride ourselves on being a 'learning organization' where all employees have an equal opportunity to learn and grow.

Lets Change the world of consultancy come join us for the change